If you think that grading contractors in Edmonton or anywhere else just move dirt from one place to another, you couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, grading contractors prepare a site, do grading, trenching and a lot of other tasks related to soil. Oh, and did I mention that they operate a lot of heavy duty equipment as well? Yes, they do that as well!
What is site preparation?
In residential construction projects, grading contractors start their work after the surveying crew is done. The soil is removed until the foundation of the house is of the right depth, and soil testing for firmness is done.
What is contracting?
Grading contractors in Edmonton AB often may work under a larger contractor and do just part of a project. The larger contractor does all the organizing and pays the grading contracting for the job done.
What does moving dirt involve?
Grading contractors are the right people to help dig ponds and sewers, build and grade roads, excavate ditches and much more. All these tasks involve taking the dirt out first, and that is one of their tasks.
What is the use of heavy equipment and operators?
They are used to handle loads and often a grading contractor leases or owns bulldozers, compactors, trenchers and other equipment.
Grading contractors in Edmonton should be properly qualified to do the job right and also follow safe practices so that the lives of workers are protected. Now when you hear the term “digging in the dirt”, you will think of a grading contractor!
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